November is usually a month that everyone looks forward to as a time to give thanks, meet with family…and eat! With many of our family gatherings canceled or reduced this month due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, our celebrations will look different. However, we can still reflect on our blessings on this special day that was first set aside by George Washington.
When speaking of this country’s blessings during his radio address in 1988, Ronald Reagan mentioned “peace and abundance in this land that God has kissed.”
“We will give thanks for these and one thing more: our freedom. Yes, in America, freedom seems like the air around us: It’s there; it’s sweet, though we rarely give it a thought. Yet as the air fills our lungs, freedom fills our souls.”
No matter what our holiday looks like this year, we are still blessed by our freedoms. Among other things, Thanksgiving is a day we can pause to give gratitude to the men and women who serve or served to defend our way of life.
Whatever your holiday looks like this year, we hope you can find many things for which to be thankful. And we wish you all a safe, blessed, and happy Thanksgiving!